Contact Us
Details of staff involved in Nature’s Raincoats are given below:

Professor Glen McHale
Chair of Interfacial Science and Engineering
Institute for Multiscale Thermofluids
School of Engineering
Google Scholar profile

Dr Rodrigo Ledesma-Aguilar
Senior Lecturer
Institute for Multiscale Thermofluids, School of Engineering
Google Scholar Profile

Dr Gary Wells
Senior Lecturer
Institute for Multiscale Thermofluids, School of Engineering
Google Scholar Profile
University of Northumbria at Newcastle

Professor Richard Fu (YongQing)
Professor in Physics & Electrical Engineering
Google Scholar Profile
Nottingham Trent University

Dr Michael Newton
Associate Professor and Reader in Experimental Physics
Google Scholar Profile
University of Oxford

Professor Julia Yeomans FRS
Pauline Chan Fellow and Tutor in Physics, St. Hilda’s College
Google Scholar Profile
University of Rhein-Waal

Professor Neil Shirtcliffe
Professor of Biomaterials
Google Scholar Profile
Research Opportunities
We are always happy to discuss research projects with academic colleagues across the world. We can also act as PhD supervisors for students who are self-funded or sponsored by their governments or others. International funding information for researchers is available from the UK Research and Innovation, The Royal Society and The British Council. Funded opportunities may be available from time to time.
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